France visa requirements for Guinea-Bissauans

Travel and visa requirements

Basic Travel Requirements for Guinea-Bissauans visiting France

Travelers are required to fulfill the following requirements in order to apply for a French Visa.

  •  A fully completed application form. 
  • Two photos must be attached; the photo should be of passport format a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • Passport valid for at least three months beyond the return date with at least two blank pages. 
  • Copies of your previous visas. with at least two blank pages.
  • A copy of your return ticket reservation
  • A travel visa insurance confirmation of a minimum of 30,000 € coverage within France and the entire Schengen area. In order to apply for a French visa, the French embassy consulate requires a Schengen travel insurance policy that is valid in all Schengen countries. 
  • A cover letter stating the purpose of a visit to France and travel itinerary.
  • Copies of flight ticket reservations.
  • A copy of hotel reservation or host's residence. 
  • A proof of civil status (marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, ration card if applicable). 
  • A proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay. To show that you can finance your whole trip and have at least  146€ to spend per day, you are to provide proof of financial sufficiency. This could be your recent bank account statements for the last 3 months.

France Visa for Guinea-Bissauans

Facts about France

France is a country rich in art and culture. The art and culture on display is the top pick for tourists who visit this country. The world-famous Eiffel tower attracts millions of visitors year-in-year-out. The country’s wide range of wine and cuisines can be best enjoyed on the various Mediterranean beaches available.
France is the most popular tourist destination in the world as the country receives over 85.7 million foreign tourists yearly.

Tourists should try to avoid traveling during french school holidays as hotel rooms are usually overbooked and traffic is unbearable.

Types of France Visa

Types of Visa Processing Time Duration of Stay
Tourist visa 15 days 90 days
Medical visa 15 days 90 days
Business visa 15 days 90 days
Student visa 15 days more than 90 days

General Requirements for France Visa

  •  A fully completed application form. 
  • Two photos must be attached; the photo should be of passport format a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • Passport valid for at least three months beyond the return date with at least two blank pages. 
  • Copies of your previous visas. with at least two blank pages.
  • A copy of your return ticket reservation
  • A travel visa insurance confirmation of a minimum of 30,000 € coverage within France and the entire Schengen area. In order to apply for a French visa, the French embassy consulate requires a Schengen travel insurance policy that is valid in all Schengen countries. 
  • A cover letter stating the purpose of a visit to France and travel itinerary.
  • Copies of flight ticket reservations.
  • A copy of hotel reservation or host's residence. 
  • A proof of civil status (marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, ration card if applicable). 
  • A proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay. To show that you can finance your whole trip and have at least  146€ to spend per day, you are to provide proof of financial sufficiency. This could be your recent bank account statements for the last 3 months.

France Visa Fees

Visa Type

Sub Types

Visa Fees

Tourist visa

60.00 (USD)

Medical visa

60.00 (USD)

Business visa

60.00 (USD)

Student visa

60.00 (USD)

France Visa Application Centres & Embassies in Guinea Bissau




Bairro da Penha Avenida 14 de Novembro CP 195 Bissau Guinea-Bissau

(+245) 201 312

Frequently Asked Questions

Is healthcare free in France?

The French health care system is a universal health care largely financed by the government's national health insurance. The French government generally refunds patients 70% of most health care costs, and 100% in case of costly or long-term ailments. 

What is the religion practiced in France?

France is a predominately Christian nation.  

What are the popular destinations to visit in France?

 Marseille, Lyon, Strasbourg are three top destinations to visit in France. 

What is the official language spoken in France.?

French is the official language spoken in France by 88% of the population.