Comoros visa requirements for Qataris

Travel and visa requirements

Comoran Visa is not required for Qataris

Stay Duration: 45 days

Entry Requirements

  • To visit Comoros as a Qatari, visa upon arrival is granted for a duration of stay up to 45 days
  • Visitors are required to possess one copy of a filled visa application form.
  • Visitors must provide an original valid passport photograph that is valid at least for 45 days with one copy of a recent photograph of size 37mm by 37mm.
  • Departure tax would be levied on visitors leaving the country or on visitors found to have an unlawfully extended duration of stay.
  • Standard travel documents like passport and national ID card will be needed from travellers visiting Comoros.
  • Qatar citizens from one year and above are required to show proof of Yellow Fever Vaccination.
  • Visitors are required to present a yellow fever vaccination certificate on arrival to Comoros.
  • Visitors are also required to present an Invitation letter or a hotel reservation with multiple copies.
  • Comoros uses the East Africa Time zone (GMT+3) hence, there is no time difference between Qatar and Comoros.
  • The estimated flight time from Doha, Qatar to Comoros is 5 hours, 45 minutes.
  • Visitors not holding onward or return tickets will be refused entry The ticket does not have to necessarily be for your country of origin.
  • Children under the age of 21 must present written permission signed by a legal guardian or can be mentioned in the passport of an older person of the same nationality.
  • Comoros actually consists of three islands, and it is located north of Madagascar this makes the country an ideal place for hiking.
  • The nation’s economy is not developed, which means that nature still dominates the islands.  
  • Visitor’s aged 18 years old and more are allowed to possess: 500 grammes of tobacco, 100 cigars or 400 cigarettes; One bottle of alcoholic drinks; One bottle of perfume.
  • Prohibited goods include plants or parts of plants and soil except if an import permit is obtained from the 'Service de Agriculture' (Department of Agriculture) in the Comoro Islands along with a phytosanitary certificate issued by the home country.
  • Visitors bringing in dogs and cats have to provide health certificate and a certificate of vaccination against rabies.
  • Visitors’ luggage should be cleared at Moroni, Hahaya Aeroport International.
  • Visitors are not required to pay any airport tax upon their departure from the airport.
  • There are no restrictions on the possession of local currency and foreign currencies upon entry and exit.
  • A vast majority of the country’s population practice Sunni Islam. Few citizens of Comoros are Roman Catholic.
  • The country’s climate is generally tropical and mild.
  • Comoros has two major seasons are distinguishable by the degree of rain. In March, the hottest month in the rainy season which runs from December to April while the cool, dry season proceeds from May to November.
  • The Comorian legal system rests on Islamic law, an inherited French legal code, and customary law.
  • The major source of livelihood in the country is Agriculture, including fishing, hunting, and forestry.
  • The most commonly spoken language in Comoros is Comorian with Arabic and Latin as the official writing language while French is the administrative language and the language of all non-quranic formal education.
  • There are no trains or buses in Comoros, as most locals and tourists rely on rental cars and taxis for transportation.
  • The country is considered as the fourth smallest country in Africa by area.
  • Comoros is not a tourist-centred country but its crystalline blue waters and white sand beaches along with hundreds of fish species, shells and corals offers a great opportunity for scuba diving and snorkeling with great chances of seeing large turtles, manta rays, marlin and whale sharks, among others.
  • Comoros is the world’s largest producer of ylang-ylang, which is valued for the perfume extracted from its flowers.
  • Fewer than a million people, Comoros is one of the least populous countries in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Comoros a poor or rich country?

Comoros is one of the world's poorest countries with an unemployment rate of 14.3% but its economic growth and poverty reduction are major priorities for the government.

What is Comoros famous for?

Comoros is known for its known volcanic islands also called the “perfumed islands” for their fragrant plant life and great scenic beauty.

How populous is Comoros?

Comoros is the 22nd-largest Arab country with a population of 850,688. The top 10 Arab countries by population are Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, Iraq, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Tunisia.