Belarus visa requirements for South Africans

Travel and visa requirements

Basic Travel Requirements for South Africans visiting Belarus

Travelers are required to fulfill the following requirements in order to apply for a Belarusian Visa.

  • Applicants should ensure that every part of their application form is correctly filled and signed where necessary.
  • A valid passport with its expiry date about 6 months from the period of travel.
  • Recent passport photograph showing the full face with a white background.
  • Travel insurance covering medical cost is necessary.
  • Proof of a round ticket flight with date corresponding with likely date of departure.
  • Bank statement of at least 3 months showing steady and continuous flow of income. This is to show that you can cater for yourself during your time in Poland.
  • A signed letter from your employer stating continuing employment after period of leave.
  • Letter of invitation from the person you are going to visit, if purpose is to visit a friend or relative.
  • Confirmation of hotel accommodation that covers your stay in the country.
  • Paid return tickets to your country of origin or ticket to a third country in case the holder is boarding a connecting flight in Belarus.
  • Confirmation of payment of visa fee.

Belarus Visa for South Africans

Facts about Belarus

Tourists do not want to miss the evening stroll around Independence Square which is one of the biggest public squares in Europe. During the stroll, tourist can bask in the gorgeous view of the water fountains and dancing lights. The Braslav Lake area is also a destination not to be ignored. With 300 lakes in the region and 30 different species of fish in the water, activities like birdwatching, rambling and climbing, this is just the place to fuel your excitement.

Foreign drivers are not allowed to drive on some roads for free, a fee has to be paid. Tourists cannot take photographs of official institutions, police stations, military facilities, and the Minsk metro.

Belarus only became an independent country in 1991. The country has two official languages; Belarusian and Russian.

Types of Belarus Visa

Types of Visa Processing Time Duration of Stay
Tourist visa 15 days 90 days
Transit visa 5 days 48 hours
Business visa 5 days 90 days
Student visa 15 days 90 days
Journalist visa 15 days 90 days

General Requirements for Belarus Visa

  • Applicants should ensure that every part of their application form is correctly filled and signed where necessary.
  • A valid passport with its expiry date about 6 months from the period of travel.
  • Recent passport photograph showing the full face with a white background.
  • Travel insurance covering medical cost is necessary.
  • Proof of a round ticket flight with date corresponding with likely date of departure.
  • Bank statement of at least 3 months showing steady and continuous flow of income. This is to show that you can cater for yourself during your time in Poland.
  • A signed letter from your employer stating continuing employment after period of leave.
  • Letter of invitation from the person you are going to visit, if purpose is to visit a friend or relative.
  • Confirmation of hotel accommodation that covers your stay in the country.
  • Paid return tickets to your country of origin or ticket to a third country in case the holder is boarding a connecting flight in Belarus.
  • Confirmation of payment of visa fee.

Belarus Visa Fees

Visa Type

Sub Types

Visa Fees

Tourist visa

60.00 (USD)

Transit visa

60.00 (USD)

Business visa

60.00 (USD)

Student visa

75.00 (USD)

Journalist visa

75.00 (USD)

Belarus Visa Application Centres & Embassies in South Africa




164, Orion Avenue, Sterrewag, Pretoria 0181 South Africa.

+27 12 430 7709

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is visa for Belarus?

The visa fee for Belarus is the same across all visa types. It  costs €60

Is Belarus the same as Russia?
No, Belarus is not the same as Russia.

What is the main Religion in Belarus?

The main religion is the Orthodox religion. There are many other religions as well such as the Roman Catholics.

Is Belarus a free country?

Belarus is a free country. The country gained independence in 1991

Do I need a visa to travel to Belarus?

Yes, South Africans require a visa to travel to Belarus.