Hotel Atithi Vasista Bhavan Ooty is a family Homestay. Hotel Athithi Bhavana Ooty, have all the amenities related to solo, couple & for family outing. It is the Luxury in Ooty, with amenities for family and business guests. Lobby full of natural light, busy restaurant, good interior, bright colors will make you feel good and relaxed.
Hotel Atithi Vasista Bhavan INN a hotel with opulence is conveniently located in the heart of TIruvanamalai, close to the Arunachala Temple & most prestigious shopping and business quarter. Set in an attractive atmosphere they offer a relaxing retreat harmoniously adorned with the tradition and culture. It is a hotel with the flawless combination of fine service and international style all set in together to create the perfect mood for the perfect travellers.
Hotel Haveli Athiti Bhavan is a top-class hotel in Ooty, Tamil Nadu .