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Estimated Duration4h 35m


Average PriceZ$200

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How do I get from Bulawayo Province to Blantyre?

If you want to take a bus from Bulawayo Province to Blantyre, you’ll look at ticket prices starting from $15.68, with the shortest trip duration being 7h 45m. Use our bus search to find the perfect bus from Paris to London and pick amongst the offers of Intercape . Just click "Find Now" and see all available bus schedules!

Buses from Bulawayo Province to Blantyre



The 12 seater buses with Ac

4 pm Bulawayo Province

14 hrs

5:00 pm Blantyre



Bus Amenities









Route Stops

  • Bulawayo Province
  • Masvingo
  • Harare
  • Changara District
  • Blantyre

Blantyre, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a Southern African country located between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers. Her capital and largest city is Harare. Zimbabwe is known for her diverse wildlife and spectacular landscapes.

Zimbabwe enjoys a relatively moderate climate. Her dry season is between the months of May to September and from November to March, she experiences heavy rainfall. The May to October dry season has little rainfall and low malaria risk and is the best time to visit Zimbabwe. Visitors should dress lightly but protectively to guard against mosquitoes and the sun.

Her two major ethnic groups are Shona and Ndebele. The Zimbabweans favour corn based meals such as bota and the national dish called Sadza, both made with corn meal. Zimbabweans are primarily Christian and are a people of arts such as sculptures, pottery, carvings, basketry, textiles, jewelry.

Some fascinating places to be visited in Zimbabwe are:
  • The Eastern Highlands: These mountains provide a fascinating sight and experience.
  • The Medieval Era Ruins: Zimbabwe draws fame from its medieval era ruins of structures dating to as far back as the Kingdom of Zimbabwe. One of these is the Great Zimbabwe ruins in Masvingo.
  • The Hwange National Park and Mana Pools National Park: Both national parks are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and provide some of the best wildlife and safari experiences in the entire region of Southern Africa.
  • The Victoria Falls: The Victoria Falls is located at the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia and as such, Zimbabwe shares the Falls with the Zambians. However, each country provides a different and unique view and perspective of the Falls from the other.
  • The Chinhoyi Caves: The caves are traditionally called "Chirorodziva" which means "The Pool of the Fallen". They were named after the Shona tribe heroes who were thrown into the caves to die by the Nguni tribe. The history and mythology surrounding the caves make them an interesting location to visit.

Zimbabwe has a plethora of colourful festivals. The Harare International Festival of Arts is the highlight of Zimbabwean festivals and is held annually at the end of April. 
Other Zimbabwean festivals of note are The Harare International Food Festival and The Jikinya Traditional Dance Festival both held annually in November.

Accommodation in Zimbabwe ranges from guest houses to safari accommodations and hotels. There are cheap, average and expensive accommodations available in Zimbabwe.

In Zimbabwe, one may price an item in euros, buy it in dollars and get change in South African rands. A staggering 86.5% of her population is literate. She has 16 official languages including English, Ndebele, Chewa amongst others, making her the country with the highest number of official languages in the world.