how to book Horizon Coaches buses online
How to book in steps
Book on websiteVisit the Company's website or their nearest offices in your region. Select the date and location of travel. Select the Dar Express bus type and the class you want to travel. Select an available bus. Select fare. Select the desired seat you want to board in accordance to your comfortability. File in your data such as name, ID no, Mobile no, age, sex, etc. Enter your coupon detail. Select the mode of payment such as Credit card, Net Banking or Cash cards.
Common Questions Travellers Frequently asked about Horizon Coaches
What type of buses is used by Horizon Coaches
Horizon Coaches uses luxurious buses to render their transport services to their clients to make them feel blissful and comfortable while traveling with them.
How many kilometers and hours will it take to travel from Kampala to Kigali when traveling with Horizon Coaches
Is there Wi-Fi network in Horizon Coaches buses
Since traveling on especially a long distance can be boring and tiring, Horizon Coaches has considered this and decided to provide buses that render amenities like Wi-Fi network, Television, etc., that will make its travelers feel at ease when traveling.