Etrago Global Transport

how to book Etrago Global Transport buses online


How to book in steps

Book on website

Go to Etrago's websiteGet the company's contact number from the websiteThe customer service will guide you through on booking Etrago transport bus.

Common Questions Travellers Frequently asked about Etrago Global Transport

Why should I travel with Etrago Transport Company

Etrago Transport Company has the best customer service who will meet their customers' needs appropriately to ensure complete satisfaction.

What kind of modern equipment Etrago vehicles possess

All Etrago vehicles are equipped with air conditioning, TV and toilet service.

Is there any parking facility(ies) at Etrago Global Transport Service

Yes, Etrago Transport Services offers basic facilities such as free parking space, restroom, comfortable and timely transfers between cities.

Where are the major destinations of Etrago Transport

Etrago Global Transport Service is based in Maputo, the capital of the country, Mozambique. It has its major trips from Maputo to Beira, Tete, Quelimane, Nampula, and Pemba.

How much is the least amount for a trip

Trip prices depend on your destination. Although, the least amount for a trip at Etrago Transport Company is 1,500 mt.