Horizon Express LTD

how to book Horizon Express LTD buses online

Horizon Express Ltd started its operations on 23rd June 2006. It was born in HUYE District in the Southern Province of Rwanda. Its Headquarters is at the KIMISAGARA Sector, NYARUGENGE District, Kigali City, Chez Manu Building, NYABUGOGO Boulevard.

How to book in steps

Book on website


Call the following offices  for more information about the bookings procedures;

  • Office Kigali: 0788653424
  • Office Muhanga: 0783268232
  • Office Huye: 0788653484
  • Office Ruhango: 0789246227
  •  Office Nyanza: 0789241861
  •  Office Nyamagabe: 0789539820
  •  Office Nyaruguru: 0789924688
  •  Office Mamba: 0789890893
  •  Office Kibayi: 0789890995

Common Questions Travellers Frequently asked about Horizon Express LTD

Does Horizon Express buses have Wi-Fi

No, Horizon Express buses do not have a Wi-Fi connection available to passengers.

What kind of buses do Horizon Express use

Horizon Express Ltd makes use of either coaster buses or Luxurious buses. These buses are usually 35 seater minimum.

Are Horizon Express buses air conditioned

Yes. All Horizon Express buses used to convey passengers are fully air-conditioned.