how to book RITCO EXPRESS LTD buses online

How to book in steps

Book on website

Visit their terminal at KN 119 St Nyamirambo for bookings. You can as well contact them via email or place a call to their customer care line.

Common Questions Travellers Frequently asked about RITCO EXPRESS LTD

How do I book a bus ticket

You can visit any of the bus terminals closest to you. You can also contact them via their email address or the phone number made available.

How expensive are Ritco tickets

The Ritco dream is to bring citizens living in rural areas out of isolation by facilitating their access to all parts of the country at affordable prices. Ritco bus tickets are very cheap.

How comfortable are Ritco Express buses

Ritco Express Ltd makes use of the big 44-seater, fully air-conditioned, luxurious buses. They are very comfortable for whatever duration your trip is for.