Manuia Dataplan, Bundles, Subscription Codes and prices
Here is the list of every Manuia Wallis And Futuna data plans and prices. Subscription codes are valid as per our last update. This list is needed for easy access to use any of the Manuia Wallis And Futuna data plan bundles instead of browsing the internet. The Manuia data plans provided below can be accessed using laptops, desktop computers, tablets, android devices and other gadgets.
Mode of Subscription of Manuia data plans
How to get Manuia data balance
Manuia Monthly Data plans
Are available in daily, weekly and monthly bundles.
These bundles are for all devices, smartphones, laptops, iPhones, computers and other gadgets. The data bundles are available below:
Manuia Data Plans
Bundle Size
Prices in CFP franc
4 weeks
With this plan, Manuia gives you 800mb of data for just Fr3000 and its validity is 4 weeks
Data: 800mb; Fee: Fr3000; Validity: 4 weeks
6 weeks
With this plan, Manuia gives you 2gb of data for just Fr5000 and its validity is 6 weeks
Data: 2gb; Fee: Fr5000; Validity: 6 weeks
Manuia Weekly Data plans
Are available in daily, weekly and monthly bundles.
These bundles are for all devices, smartphones, laptops, iPhones, computers and other gadgets. The data bundles are available below:
Manuia Data Plans
Bundle Size
Prices in CFP franc
3 weeks
With this plan, Manuia gives you 300mb of data for just Fr1000 and its validity is 3 weeks
Data: 300mb; Fee: Fr1000; Validity: 3 weeks
Manuia Internet Speed
Peak Speed
Average internet browsing speed
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