how to book SHALOM BUS SERVICES LIMITED buses online


How to book in steps

Book on website

  • Visit the company's website to make a reservation online
  • You can also visit their terminal to make reservations
  • or Contact their customer care to make reservations

Common Questions Travellers Frequently asked about SHALOM BUS SERVICES LIMITED

Can I book reservation online

Yes, reservations can be done online from anywhere you are.

Can bookings be done in advance

Yes, bookings can be done in advance for reservations.

Are there in-car entertainment facilities

Yes, there are in-car entertainment facilities like television, coffee making machine to ease up the journey.

Can I cancel my bookings and get a refund on my ticket

No, you can only reschedule tickets for now.

Does it have an in-built toilet

Yes, there is an in-built toilet.

What happens in the case of a bus breakdown

In the rare event that there is a breakdown, a back-up bus will be sent to pick up passengers and take them to their destination.