No, Imobitur Apartamentos Turisticos does not provide parking space for guests. You can find out more details about facilities provided by the hotel on this page.
Os quartos podem ser adaptados conforme solicitação dos clientes.
Os serviços incluem limpeza, mudas de toalhas e lençóis e produtos de higiene.
Highlights of Imobitur Apartamentos Turisticos
Free parking
This is 1 of 5 hotels in João Teves with free parking
Vegan or not, the fruit menu will leave a sweet taste in your mouth
Snack bar
Get popular local and foreign-made snacks at the snack bar
Street parking
This hotel provides additional parking on the street
Secured parking
Security team on ground to monitor vehicles parked at this property.
Free WiFi
Airport transportation
Free parking
Snack bar/deli
Family Rooms
Non Smoking Rooms
Air Conditioning
Book a room at this hotel
9:00am with ID card
Non Smoking rooms
No Pets allowed
Free 24hrs cancellation
Free WiFi
Airport transportation
Free parking
Snack bar/deli
Family Rooms
Non Smoking Rooms
Air Conditioning
Frequently asked questions about Imobitur Apartamentos Turisticos
Make inquiries and ask further questions using the form below
Yes, Imobitur Apartamentos Turisticos provides free wifi for guests. Find out more details about the free wifi and other facilities provided by the hotel on this page.
No, pets are not allowed in this hotel. If you have to carry a service animal you will have to speak with the management of the hotel before booking the hotel.
Yes, Imobitur Apartamentos Turisticos provides 24 hour front desk services. Find out more details about the 24 hour front desk and other services provided by this hotel.
No, Imobitur Apartamentos Turisticos does not have a restaurant on site.