VIP Jeoun Transport Service

+233 56 002 7233

Open Now: 9am-5pm

VIP Jeoun Transport Service VIP Jeoun Transport Service VIP Jeoun Transport Service VIP Jeoun Transport Service

VIP Jeoun Transport Company Limited is located in Accra, Ghana. It was established in the year 2008 with just a fleet size of nine and only one direct route. The bus transport company runs half-hourly buses between Accra and Kumasi including other cities in Ghana. VIP Jeoun boasts of coaches with comfortable seats, air conditioning, large seats, extra legroom and also direct transportation without detours or long stops. These services are not necessarily provided for in the minivans and taxis. There is always a charge for luggage. Theoretically, it should be per kilogram, but in practice, large rucksacks or suitcases tend to be charged a flat fee. Baggage handlers will expect a tip for loading passengers bags. VIP transport fares in Ghana are higher priced as compared to the normal buses. TimbuBus helps you compare the best prices for VIP Jeoun's routes, terminal locations and the other services they offer, including logistics services.

VIP Jeoun Transport Service Bus Routes and Terminals

Where are you leaving from?

Frequently Asked Questions

Do VIP Jeoun only base on transportation of people?

No, they also provide services such as; Parcel services, Education tourism, CooperateCharter, Religious Tours, and Social events tours.

What fleet of vehicles do the company use?

The company uses several buses from KIA Grandbird-Executive and Tour, Hyundai Noble-Tours, Young man Buses/Skyliner, Daewoo Fx Cruiser, and Yuton Buses.

Can I book my ticket before the day of departure?

No pre-booking available, just show up at the terminal. You can only buy/book tickets on the day of departure at the terminals.

Review Summary


Fair 1 Reviews

Service and Staff
Property Security

Drivers and Safety on VIP buses

by Afua on February 27, 2021.

Fair 5

VIP should review training for their drivers on speeding , customer service, driving hours and drivers experience to stop these unnecessary and avoidable accidents on our roads. These accidents can be avoided and passengers will have the confidence travelling on your buses again. Dangerous and reckless overtaking and speeding are the causes of these horrific crashes on your VIP buses cutting people’s lives short and your company gets away with it because it doesn’t affect you and you still make your money regardless. Every life matters ! Please stop killing Ghanaians on your buses