No, 松島小旅館 Bistro Abalon does not provide parking space for guests. You can find out more details about facilities provided by the hotel on this page.
となるホテルのご予約や、 2つの貸切風呂−「五右衛門風呂」「家族風呂」、ホテル客室など館内のご案内、 仙台牛や牡蛎を初めとする地元の素材を贅沢に使った洋風懐石など、 プチホテルびすとろアバロンの魅力を余すところ無くご案内しております。さらに、日本三景松島の観光案内、イベント情報のほか、 「宮城・松島」に関わる様々な情報ページをご用意しております。このサイトをご覧になった方が「松島プチホテルびすとろアバロン」に興味を持ち、「松島」にお越し頂ければ幸いです。by nit@abalon
Highlights of 松島小旅館 Bistro Abalon
Book a room at this hotel
Twin Room
Double Occupancy
Triple Room
Double Occupancy
9:00am with ID card
Non Smoking rooms
No Pets allowed
Free 24hrs cancellation
Frequently asked questions about 松島小旅館 Bistro Abalon
Make inquiries and ask further questions using the form below
No, 松島小旅館 Bistro Abalon does not provide free wifi. You can find out more details about facilities provided by the hotel on this page.
No, pets are not allowed in this hotel. If you have to carry a service animal you will have to speak with the management of the hotel before booking the hotel.
Yes, 松島小旅館 Bistro Abalon provides 24 hour front desk services. Find out more details about the 24 hour front desk and other services provided by this hotel.
No, 松島小旅館 Bistro Abalon does not have a restaurant on site.