Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier

PK 17 Ramena, Antsiranana 201, Madagascar, Antsiranana, Madagascar

Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier

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Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier

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Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier

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Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier
Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier
Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier
Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier
"Le Manguier" est situé à 200 m de la plage de Ramena et à 5 mn à pieds du centre village.
Cette situation privilégiée vous garantit un séjour au calme mais aussi suffisamment près de toutes commodités pour de belles promenades à Ramena et alentours.
Notre modeste capacité d'hébergement permet à toute notre équipe de vous offrir une ambiance chaleureuse, conviviale et respectueuse, idéale pour les familles !
Sous les majestueux manguiers, vous pourrez observer nos curieux et fidèles lémuriens en toute liberté et même les nourrir de gourmandises...En quelques mots ...Votre satisfaction est nôtre !

Read more about this hotel

Highlights of Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier




Swimming Pool

Has Outdoor Pool


Meeting Rooms

Room Service

Air Conditioning


Family Rooms

Handicap Accessible

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Free use of nearby fitness center

24 hour Front Desk


Book a room at this hotel

Comfort Double Room

Double Occupancy

$76.35 per night

Select Room

Triple Room (2 Adults & 1 Child)

Double Occupancy

$97.28 per night

Select Room
Make Reservation Booking takes just 2 minutes!



9:00am with ID card




Non Smoking rooms


No Pets allowed


Free 24hrs cancellation




Swimming Pool

Has Outdoor Pool


Meeting Rooms

Room Service

Air Conditioning


Family Rooms

Handicap Accessible

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Free use of nearby fitness center

24 hour Front Desk


Frequently asked questions about Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier

Make inquiries and ask further questions using the form below

Typically responds in less than an hour

Does Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier have a parking lot?

No, Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier does not provide parking space for guests. You can find out more details about facilities provided by the hotel on this page.

Does Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier provide free wifi?

Yes, Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier provides free wifi for guests. Find out more details about the free wifi and other facilities provided by the hotel on this page.

Are pets allowed in Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier?

No, pets are not allowed in this hotel. If you have to carry a service animal you will have to speak with the management of the hotel before booking the hotel.

Does Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier provide 24 hour front desk service?

Yes, Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier provides 24 hour front desk services. Find out more details about the 24 hour front desk and other services provided by this hotel.

Does Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier have a restaurant?

Yes, Hôtel Restaurant Le Manguier has a restaurant on site.

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