AT & T Dataplan, Bundles, Subscription Codes and prices

Here is the list of every AT & T Mexico data plans and prices. Subscription codes are valid as per our last update. This list is needed for easy access to use any of the AT & T Mexico data plan bundles instead of browsing the internet. The AT & T data plans provided below can be accessed using laptops, desktop computers, tablets, android devices and other gadgets.

Mode of Subscription of AT & T data plans

Via Website

Via App

  • Download mi at & t app on google play to buy data.

How to get AT & T data balance

Via Sms


Via Website

Via App

  • Download mi at & t app on google play to check data balance.

AT & T Daily Data plans

Are available in daily, weekly and monthly bundles.

These bundles are for all devices, smartphones, laptops, iPhones, computers and other gadgets. The data bundles are available below:

AT & T Data Plans

Bundle Size

Prices in Mexican peso


Mas 300 Mb




With this plan, AT & T gives you 300mb of data for just $30 and its validity is 3 DAYS

Data: 300mb; Fee: $30; Validity: 3 DAYS

With this plan, AT & T gives you 500mb of data for just $50 and its validity is 5 DAYS

Data: 500mb; Fee: $50; Validity: 5 DAYS

AT & T Monthly Data plans

Are available in daily, weekly and monthly bundles.

These bundles are for all devices, smartphones, laptops, iPhones, computers and other gadgets. The data bundles are available below:

AT & T Data Plans

Bundle Size

Prices in Mexican peso


Mas 2 Gb




With this plan, AT & T gives you 2gb of data for just $200 and its validity is 35 DAYS

Data: 2gb; Fee: $200; Validity: 35 DAYS

With this plan, AT & T gives you 1.5gb of data for just $199 and its validity is 30 DAYS

Data: 1.5gb; Fee: $199; Validity: 30 DAYS

With this plan, AT & T gives you 2.5gb of data for just $299 and its validity is 30 DAYS

Data: 2.5gb; Fee: $299; Validity: 30 DAYS

With this plan, AT & T gives you 3.5gb of data for just $399 and its validity is 30 DAYS

Data: 3.5gb; Fee: $399; Validity: 30 DAYS

With this plan, AT & T gives you 5.5gb of data for just $499 and its validity is 30 DAYS

Data: 5.5gb; Fee: $499; Validity: 30 DAYS

With this plan, AT & T gives you 8gb of data for just $699 and its validity is 30 DAYS

Data: 8gb; Fee: $699; Validity: 30 DAYS

With this plan, AT & T gives you 10.5gb of data for just $899 and its validity is 30 DAYS

Data: 10.5gb; Fee: $899; Validity: 30 DAYS

With this plan, AT & T gives you 12gb of data for just $999 and its validity is 30 DAYS

Data: 12gb; Fee: $999; Validity: 30 DAYS

With this plan, AT & T gives you 17gb of data for just $1399 and its validity is 30 DAYS

Data: 17gb; Fee: $1399; Validity: 30 DAYS

With this plan, AT & T gives you 25gb of data for just $1999 and its validity is 30 DAYS

Data: 25gb; Fee: $1999; Validity: 30 DAYS

AT & T Weekly Data plans

Are available in daily, weekly and monthly bundles.

These bundles are for all devices, smartphones, laptops, iPhones, computers and other gadgets. The data bundles are available below:

AT & T Data Plans

Bundle Size

Prices in Mexican peso


Mas 1 Gb




With this plan, AT & T gives you 1gb of data for just $100 and its validity is 14 DAYS

Data: 1gb; Fee: $100; Validity: 14 DAYS

With this plan, AT & T gives you 1.5gb of data for just $150 and its validity is 28 DAYS

Data: 1.5gb; Fee: $150; Validity: 28 DAYS

AT & T Internet Speed


Peak Speed

Average internet browsing speed

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