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Burma(more popularly known as Myanmar) is a southeast Asian country surrounded by India and Bangladesh to the west, Thailand and Laos to the east, and China to the north. The capital of the nation is Naypyidaw. The country is known for its rich Buddhist culture and historical temples.
Burma is a hot country. It has a monsoon climate with three distinctive seasons. The hottest season is from February to May, the rainy season from May to October, and the dry and cooler season is from October to February. The best time to visit the country is between November and February.
Visitors should dress in light fabrics and avoid heavy clothing. They should dress modestly however as Myanmar is a conservative country. Straw hats and sunscreen would also come in quite handy in Myanmar.
Although there are over 130 ethnic groups in Burma, Burmese culture is predominantly Buddhist and Bamar. Other ethnic groups are Kachin, Chin, Mon, Shan and there are several hill tribes.The country is over 80% Buddhist.The official language in Myanmar is Burmese.
Burmese cuisine features a lot of seafood and fish products such as Ngapi(fermented seafood), fish sauces, and dried prawn. The Burmese national dish is Mohinga.
Some fascinating tourist locations in Burma are:
The Inle Lake: This beautiful lake provides an interesting spectacle of gardens floating atop the lake, villages on stilts and wooden/bamboo houses built above the water. It is a splendid way to experience the friendliness of the Burma people and how they go about their daily activities.
Kyaiktiyo(Golden Rock): This is the third most sacred pilgrimage site in Myanmar located in Mon State. It is the site of a"gravity defying" rock perched quite lopsidedly atop a mountain and yet never rolling off. It is a site of great religious significance to the Buddhists and the Burmese in general.
Putao: This site has the richest biological diversity in the world with 30 to 40 new species of flora and fauna discovered here on the average each year. It is also a great site for exploring forests and mountains.
Red Mountain Winery, Inle Lake: The winery is set on a beautiful hillside with sweeping views of the Inle lake. One can ride a bicycle right up to the winery passing through the lush vine yards and participate in some wine tasting.
Sule Pagoda: This temple is believed to be over 3,000 years old; one of the oldest temples in the world. The temple is beautiful, quiet, and serene and one can watch the locals pray and partake in other soothing religious activities.
Agriculture accounts for more than half of Myanmar's GDP and her major product is rice. Also, Myanmar has her own national beer which is very aptly named"Myanmar Beer".
Accommodation in Myanmar ranges from comfortable to luxury.
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