4 Expensive Hotels in Bwizibwera, Uganda

Browse our list of hotels in Bwizibwera, Uganda for the best deals. Timbu always offers the best prices for hotels in Kireka, Kajansi, Bwizibwera and others.

Hotel Hotel in Bwizibwera

Palm Gardens

Ruharo Rd, Mbarara, Uganda, Bwizibwera, Uganda

Palm Garden Restuarant & Guest HousePalm Garden is a social business started by a Comboni missionary sister in 2014 to create work opportunities for t... read more

Rooftop terrace


per night

Hotel Hotel in Bwizibwera

Emburara Farm Lodge

Ibanda Rd, Mbarara, Uganda, Bwizibwera, Uganda

We are a high end Eco - luxury lodge promoting cultural tourism and conservation of flora and fauna in a fresh, serene and relaxed farm environment. A... read more

Bar Garden
Hotel Hotel in Bwizibwera

Palm World Hotel

Ruharo Rd, Mbarara, Uganda, Bwizibwera, Uganda

Wir verwenden Cookies, um Inhalte zu personalisieren, Werbeanzeigen maßzuschneidern und zu messen sowie die Sicherheit unserer Nutzer zu erhöhen. Wenn... read more

Bar Restaurant(s)


per night

Hotel Hotel in Bwizibwera

Rays Hotel

Kasese - Fort Portal Road, Mbarara, Uganda, Bwizibwera, Uganda

Located in the heart of Bwizibwera, Rays Hotel is a hotel with bar, garden, restaurant and a 3.8 guest reviews rating. Rays Hotel has one of the most... read more

Bar Garden


per night