426 Hotels in Zimbabwe

Browse our list of hotels in Zimbabwe for the best deals. Timbu always offers the best prices for hotels in Epworth, Chinhoyi and others.

Hotel Hotel in Marondera

Kamungu Hostel

Zimbabwe, Marondera, Zimbabwe

WelcomeBurkes' Paradise is the ideal place to stay in Bulawayo for backpackers and campers. Come and enjoy comfortable, clean facilities set within a... read more

Bar Swimming Pool
Hotel Hotel in Masvingo

Lee's Inn Hotel

1 Bangala Avenue, Masvingo, Zimbabwe, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Located in the heart of Mashava, Lee's Inn Hotel is a hotel with bar, swimming pool, outdoor pool and a 3.0 guest reviews rating. Lee's Inn Hotel has... read more

Bar Swimming Pool
Hotel Hotel in Mutare

Forest Hills Resort

Vumba botanical Reserve, Mutare, Zimbabwe, Mutare, Zimbabwe

This Account has been suspended. read more

Bar Swimming Pool
Hotel Hotel in Beitbridge

Beitbridge Inn And Casino

No. 15, Old Border Post Road, Beitbridge, Zimbabwe, Beitbridge, Zimbabwe

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Bar Swimming Pool
Hotel Hotel in Esigodini

Shumba Shaba Lodge

Zimbabwe, Esigodini, Zimbabwe

Shumba ShabaSituated in the tranquil Matopo Hills, South of the city of Bulawayo, Shumba Shaba welcomes you. We offer unique and eco-friendly accommod... read more

Bar Swimming Pool


per night

Hotel Hotel in Kariba

Zimre House

811 Camphill Lake Kariba, Kariba, Zimbabwe, Kariba, Zimbabwe

Apart from great state of the art security, the rooms are fully serviced i.e. they have a bed, desk, study lamp and built in cupboards. We also offer... read more

Bar Swimming Pool
Hotel Hotel in Kariba

Umbozha Houseboats

Lake Kariba, Kariba, Zimbabwe, Kariba, Zimbabwe

Umbozha Houseboats located at Lake Kariba, Kariba, Zimbabwe, Kariba known for its lush surroundings and its contemporary architectural designs hosting... read more

Bar Swimming Pool
Hotel Hotel in Harare

Northern Studio Suite

10 Aintree, Harare, Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

A Business and Vacation Rental in a Private Luxury HomeNothern Studio SuiteAn elegant suite attached to a refined family home featuring a private vera... read more

Bar Swimming Pool


per night

Hotel Hotel in Victoria Falls

Togara Cabin

4412 Chinotimba, Togara Street, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

About usTogaraCabin is a place to be with a lot of exposure to wild-life and the community. We are located a few 100 meteres away from the Victoria wa... read more

Bar Swimming Pool


per night

Hotel Hotel in Harare

Levons Bed & Breakfast

Tunsgate, Harare, Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

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Bar Swimming Pool
Hotel Hotel in Harare

Las Palmas Guest House

Kudu Cl, Harare, Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

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Bar Swimming Pool


per night