38 Hotels in Bahir-dar, Ethiopia

Browse our list of hotels in Bahir-dar, Ethiopia for the best deals. Timbu always offers the best prices for hotels in Bishoftu, Gondar, Bahir-dar and others.

Hotel Hotel in Bahir Dar

Hadas Hotel

Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Hadas Hotel is a new classic array of establishment ideally located at the center of Shire city. It is a three star hotel designed to bring a new roya... read more

Swimming Pool Free parking


per night

Hotel Hotel in Bahir Dar

Minat Hotel

Mulualem Rd, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Wir verwenden Cookies, um Inhalte zu personalisieren, Werbeanzeigen maßzuschneidern und zu messen sowie die Sicherheit unserer Nutzer zu erhöhen. Wenn... read more

Bar Swimming Pool


per night