13 Expensive Hotels in Taiwan

Browse our list of hotels in Taiwan for the best deals. Timbu always offers the best prices for hotels in Xinying, Taoyuan City and others.

Hotel Hotel in Yilan


262, Taiwan, Yilan County, Jiaoxi Township, 健康路1號, Yilan, Taiwan

礁溪寒沐酒店 MU JIAO XI HOTEL located at 262, Taiwan, Yilan County, Jiaoxi Township, 健康路1號, Yilan known for its lush surroundings and its contempo... read more


per night

Hotel Hotel in Yilan

The Sunbeam Hideaway B&B 小隱日光 民宿

No. 13, Lane 152, Siwei Road, Luodong Township, Yilan County, Taiwan 265, Yilan, Taiwan

Testimonials"Maggie, Gabby and Billy, dear friends, it was an unforgettable 3 days here in Luodong with you. We are proud to be the ones inaugurating... read more

Free parking Family Rooms


per night

Hotel Hotel in Yujing


715, Taiwan, Tainan City, Nanxi District, 密枝里密枝102-5號, Yujing, Taiwan

EXTREMEADVANTAGE體驗冒險,挑戰極限冒險,是一種精神。也是一種生活態度,更是一種自我超越。提起行囊,出發吧!遠離都市塵囂,跟我們一起玩生活,用冒險顛覆您... read more


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Hotel Hotel in Kaohsiung

WO Hotel (窩飯店)

No. 394號, Qixian 2nd Road, Qianjin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 801, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

WO Hotel (窩飯店) located at No. 394號, Qixian 2nd Road, Qianjin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 801, Kaohsiung known for its lush surroundings and i... read more


per night

Hotel Hotel in Yilan

布克‧伍旅店 Book5

No. 567-5, Meihua Road, Dongshan Township, Yilan County, Taiwan 269, Yilan, Taiwan

怎麼來~看清楚囉!別怕,導航會帶您找到我們的交通指引⊙ 台北往宜蘭(自行開車)國道五號→下羅東交流道出口→191甲縣道→於中興路一段向右轉→復興路三段向右轉→復興... read more


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Hotel Hotel in Yilan


265, Taiwan, Yilan County, Luodong Township, 新群南路347巷82弄8號, Yilan, Taiwan

Located in the heart of Yilan, 川岸空中villa is a hotel with free parking, free wifi, facilities for disabled guests and a 4.9 guest reviews rating.... read more


per night

Hotel Hotel in Taoyuan City

Hotel J日月光國際飯店 桃園館

No. 69, Section 2, Minzu Road, Pingzhen District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 320, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Hotel j日月光國際飯店 桃園館 located at No. 69, Section 2, Minzu Road, Pingzhen District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 320, Taoyuan City known for its lush su... read more


per night

Hotel Hotel in Xinying


720, Taiwan, Tainan City, Guantian District, 西庄里4-22號, Xinying, Taiwan

伊加伊時尚汽車旅館 located at No. 85號, Yonghe Road, Longtan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 325, Daxi known for its lush surroundings and its contempo... read more

Free parking Family Rooms


per night

Hotel Hotel in Taichung


No. 39號, Fuxing West Road, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407, Taichung, Taiwan

LUMI Design Hotel 關於.光之旅店夜幕低垂,外牆透過片片燈瓦組合,閃耀變化出多款圖案,猶如一篇篇樂章,譜出宛如美妙歌曲般的一道道絢麗五顏六色的霓虹光彩圖... read more


per night

Hotel Hotel in Taipei

Finders Hotel

No. 86號, Section 1, Chongqing South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100, Taipei, Taiwan

路境行旅,就像一塊魔幻的境域,想讓在這裡停留的旅人,可以暫時失去方向感、忘記現實的軌跡,休憩後獲得滿滿的能量,再次出發前往下個目的地。館內大廳天馬行空... read more

Free WiFi Family Rooms


per night

Hotel Hotel in Tainan

U.I.J Hotel & Hostel - 友愛街旅館

No. 5號, Lane 115, You'ai Street, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700, Tainan, Taiwan

我們精心打造了各個場域,卻不企圖改變你,只希望踏進U.I.J的那一刻起,就是盡情探索的開始!粅粅書BBBooks | 你好沙龍 Hello Salon | 恣意露臺 Free Terrace... read more

Free WiFi Family Rooms


per night